A wonderful event held for the first time here at Mount Edgcumbe Country Park, we look forward to welcoming you all back next year.
Well what a fantastic event on Sunday 9th July. The inaugural event organised by the Plymouth Triathlon Club here at Mount Edgcumbe Country Park was amazing. The event, with swimming, cycling and running made an early 7am start here on the Rame Peninsula. The event was split into adults and juniors sections with the juniors cycle and run remaining within the main park grounds. All the swims took place off Barn Pool and ranged from 100m to 1900m in length.
The adults then had the option of a middle distance (88.4km, 1222m of ascent), standard distance (40.7km, 679m of ascent), sprint (21.7km, 381m of ascent), or super sprint (13.4km, 255m of ascent) bike routes – so much choice and all in this beautiful scenic setting of South East Cornwall. After taking in the sights it was back to the park for the run. Again the distances depended on your challenge choice – middle distance, standard, sprint or super sprint.
After starting a little overcast the day turned out bright and sunny and there were plenty of smiling faces passing the finish line.
If this sounds like something you would have liked to take part in then don’t worry, it will be back again next year! Why not get in touch with the Plymouth Triathlon Club (www.plymouthtri.club) and start your training now!